Sör hagyományos, vagy kettle souring technnológiával való savanyítására.
General use for secondary fermentations:
► 1L per 2-3BBLs for Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Brettanomyces strains► Souring will need maturation times around 3+ months
► Organisms will have a di cult time growing in environments below a pH of 3.5
General use of wild yeast for primary fermentation:
► Typical pitch rates are 750,000 to 1 million cells/mL
► Our general recommendation is 1L per 1-1.5BBLs
► Fermentation timeline will be slower, closer to 18 to 30 days depending on the strain
General use of bacteria for kettle souring/quick souring methods:
► Generally 1L per 5BBLs is necessary for quick souring within 48 to 72 hours
► The higher the pitching rate, the faster the souring
► Anaerobic environment is preferred for Lactobacillus
► Temperatures ranging from 80 to 95°F (26–35°C) are optimal for most Lactobacillus strains. See reference guide for strain speci cs at whitelabs.com.
► Wort production needs to be very clean